Message from your President…
It is my honor to represent Suncoast Blues Society in the office of President. This message will be short, as there are a few items in the works that need to be resolved before I can fully comment.
First, I wish to congratulate and thank Terri O’Brien for her dedication and service to Suncoast Blues Society. Terri certainly stepped up and served your society well as President, and prior to that, as Treasurer. Terri is still in the background helping me transition into the role of President.
Thanks to retiring board member Mark Thompson. Mark returned to help fill a gap on the board and now returns to his title as past-President of Suncoast Blues Society.
Thank you, Vinny Marini, for your experience and wisdom with Events.
Thank you, Lynn Degin for your work in transitioning membership responsibility to Traci Zimmerman.
In my short time as President, I’ve been impressed with board members. I appreciate the boards dedication and energy, and I look forward to working aside
- Ed Kirk, Vice President
- Carole Peters, Treasurer
- Linda Rasor, Secretary
- Cheryl Spradling, Events & Merchandise
- James Randolph, Outreach
- Traci Zimmerman, Membership
As alternates
- Michael Lortz, Content
- Noray Sarkesian, Volunteer Coordinator
We still seek alternatives to assist with the many tasks this organization has. In future messages I will talk about how I categorize organizational goals as either operational or aspirational. As a 501c3 non-profit we have many organizational tasks that must be taken care of, some of which are legally required. Aspirational goals are dependent on the support from our members as alternates and volunteers.
Alternates to the Suncoast Blues board is a great way to get to know the organization. Many, including myself, started as an alternate. We can certainly find something for you to do that matches your skills or your interests.
Please say hello to me at events. I am interested in the members’ thoughts, but don’t be surprised if you suggest a wonderful idea – and we receive many of these – if I ask for your support in turning those ideas into reality. Or if you prefer, send a note to
Scott Morris, President Suncoast Blues Society.