Oct 6, 2020 | Blues Concert, Blues News, Suncoast Blues Society

Jose Ramirez’s CD release party at the Palladium Saturday night was a great success for everyone involved.  Jose and his special guests, Anson Funderburgh, and Shelly Bonet, performed flawlessly.

The Palladium and Paul Wilborn proved to be an extremely gracious host under difficult times.  We just knew our blues fans would follow the CDC guidelines and they did so with no complaints. Everyone attending was thrilled!

Your Suncoast Blues Society Board was there to help Jose with his CD sales and to provide an opportunity for our members to renew their membership in person.

Jose gave the Suncoast Blues Society one of the most favorable shout-outs from the stage that we have ever received from a performing artist and as a result we gained some new members into the SBS family!  Everyone attending was thrilled to be out of the house and finally hearing live music in a safe setting.

Jose and Anson signed the guitar that SBS will be raffling off later in the year – stay tuned for more info on this.