As we all continue to struggle through this current healthcare crisis, your Suncoast Blues Society (SBS) is facing some tough decisions. Due to COVID-19 your society lost several of our income producing events. Consequently, the cost of printing and mailing our next issue of the Twelve Bar Rag is not in the budget. As an alternative, we are using our weekly email blasts to post content. Typically, if you renew your membership at the Tampa Bay Blues Festival, please consider going to our website to renew.

Regarding budgets, our very capable fundraiser James Randolph has once again enrolled the Suncoast Blues Society into the “Giving Challenge”. This event takes place from noon April 28th to noon April 29th – 24 hours total. Donations from $25 (minimum) up to $100 will be matched dollar for dollar by the Giving Challenge benefactor. Your donation must come through our website ( We will have a link set up that will ensure SBS gets credit for your donation. Additional Giving Challenge info will be forthcoming.
So please mark your calendar, set you reminder, and consider investing in your Blues Society.
On an optimistic note, our Community Outreach Program board member James Randolph, and new Board member Scott Morris, are busy working with the Manatee Film Society and the State College of Florida (SCF). Planned is a multi-media event that will include a film presentation of Side Men: Long Road to Glory, live music, and a photographic display of Blues Artists from our local photographers. This exciting event will occur at the SCF campus in Bradenton as soon as it is safe to schedule.
The most important message that I can send out today is that we need everyone reading this note to take every precaution to stay safe and healthy during one of the most difficult times that many of us have faced.
Thanks – we love you and remember the Blues can be healing for your spirit.
Lafayette Reid