2021 International Blues Challenge Update

2021 International Blues Challenge Update

2021 International Blues Challenge Update

The following post is from Michael Freeman, Chairman of The Blues Foundation

Dear Blues Friends,

This past weekend, as I presided over the quarterly meeting of the Blues Foundation Board of Directors, one of our key agenda items was The International Blues Challenge. I am writing to share with our blues community that our Board voted unanimously to cancel this years’ IBC and look ahead to the first quarter of 2022 when we can hopefully come together in person to celebrate the blues via this signature Blues Foundation event.

Leading up to this Board decision, we wrote expanded rules that would have allowed our affiliated blues societies to choose their challengers outside of a live judged event. In response, many have reported back to us that they and the musicians in their communities are not enthusiastic about proceeding. It has become clear to us that without full engagement of artists, industry, blues society leadership, and fans, we could not produce an event with the musical diversity and quality you have come to expect. After much discussion and careful consideration of all options, including a virtual IBC, we universally agreed that this special and unique Blues Foundation program is meant to be experienced live and that it would not be safe or feasible to attempt to produce it this winter in the midst of a pandemic. The Board concurrently voted to suspend nominations and selection of Keeping the Blues Alive Award recipients until the fall of 2021, with plans to honor those selected during the 2022 IBC Week, where they can be celebrated in person with their family and friends surrounding them.


We recognize that the International Blues Challenge has grown in scope and recognition throughout the world, and we do not want to leave a vacuum in its absence this year. Please be assured that we will be using the time and resources normally directed towards the IBC to develop unique content and virtual activities for this winter. This is not intended to replace the IBC, but to give the blues world and our membership a way to remain connected as we all continue to heal through this pandemic that has uprooted so many of our plans and our lives. 

While we will miss coming together on Beale Street this January, we choose to see this as an opportunity to expand our mission in new ways. We are hopeful that open travel, live music, and the ability to congregate in-person will quickly be safe again, and I encourage you to save the dates for the 37th International Blues Challenge – February 1st through February 5th, 2022.


Please stay safe and be well.

Tonight, August 21, 2020 our Suncoast Blues Society community lost a legend

Tonight, August 21, 2020 our Suncoast Blues Society community lost a legend

Tonight, August 21, 2020 our Suncoast Blues Society community lost a legend

From Bryan Lee’s Family: 

Today, Bryan Lee, the Braille Blues Daddy, Blind Giant of the Blues, New Orleans Institution, husband, father, and friend, passed from this life into legend. A sigh of thousands mark his passing. 

Bryan dedicated his life to sharing his gift of music. In the liner notes from his recent blues gospel album Sanctuary, “A gift is not a gift unless you share it. God gave me the gift of the blues and I want to share my gift with you.” He dedicated each of his 18 albums first to Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior and his passion shone through with every note. 

At this time, the family is pausing to reflect on this remarkable soul who greeted each day with gratitude, optimism, and humble joy for all his blessings.


Please enjoy this video of Bryan, courtesy of Mike Shivvers at Blues & Roots Archive 

Bryan Lee “Braille’s Blues Daddy” 

And a tribute to Bryan from Kenny Wayne Shepherd 

Kenny Wayne Shepherd Tribute to Bryan Lee


Suncoast Blues Society proudly announces its new website at Suncoastblues.org

Suncoast Blues Society proudly announces its new website at Suncoastblues.org

Suncoast Blues Society proudly announces its new website at Suncoastblues.org

On August 16, 2020 the Suncoast Blues Society proudly announces its new website at Suncoastblues.org

The Board of Directors has been aware of the need to update its social media presence and manage its membership list for quite some time.

The board also recognized that redesigning and managing a website that includes an eCommerce system (Memberships) was necessary but beyond the board’s ability.

Thus, began the search to identify a technology partner within the Tampa Bay community that would work with us to accomplish this. We chose to partner with West Bay Media Group (WBMG) for this huge undertaking. WBGM’s CEO and founder is none other than local blues bass man Tom “T-Bone” Hamilton and he has been working with us non-stop for the past 5 months!

Our Content Committee, which includes Terri O’Brien, Lafayette Reid, Bill Hubbard, Robert D’Angelo and our tech guru and fearless leader Scott Morris, spent too many hours to count, designing and testing the new site – it has been a crash course in technology for many of us!

And we are not stopping here – additional enhancements are in the works that include an updated local band list, CD-reviews, Community Outreach programs, more blues interviews, and a refresh of the Facebook site.

The Board wishes to thank other folks that helped along the way – we could not have accomplished this without you!!

  • Rick Hart for getting us started on this project
  • Franc Robert for his creative and timely graphic work
  • Local blues front man Dooner Manross for graciously agreeing to share his image with the blues world (check out “The Dooner Banner”)
  • Karl Hastings for his precision email migration
  • William Tillis for consulting with us along the way
  • Ken Torvik for helping us with historical background
  • George Willett, our beloved retired board member, for helping with the transition

This has been, and continues to be, a HUGE project that has been in the works for the past 2 years, so we hope that you are as pleased as we are!

We would love your feedback – if you have suggestions, ideas or questions send an email to BluesNews@suncoastblues.org, and show your support thru your membership at https://suncoastblues.org/membership

Stay safe.

We sincerely hope our Blues Fans will enjoy our efforts and join our group that believes in the healing power of the Blues.


Suncoast Blues News Update

Suncoast Blues News Update

Suncoast Blues News Update

2021 International Blues Challenge

Greetings Blues Fans, your Blues Society needs to update our membership on some recent decisions.

As you are aware the current situation with the pandemic has just about shut down our live music scene in the Tampa Bay area.  The SBS board reviewed the new rules and guidelines the 2021 International Blues Challenge competition, which were set up to use virtual submissions from contestants.

SBS Logo


Sadly, we decided that we will not be able to hold a competition this year, or send contestants to Memphis, if the competition even happens. 

Without the ability for the Society or the bands to hold fundraising activities, we are uncomfortable with the financial commitment to send competitors to Memphis.  This was a painful decision for us, but under the current circumstances, we feel it is the best one for us this year.









by Monte Adkison aka “The Blues Stalker”


When I first interviewed Costa Rican guitarist Jose Ramirez about eighteen months ago, he was in the middle of a European tour. Since that time, his life has been a whirlwind of career changing events and accomplishments.

After moving from Florida to Washington, D.C., and forming his own band, they were sponsored by the D.C.Blues Society to compete in the 2020 International Blues Challenge and won second place and embarked on a heavy touring schedule in the United States. His long-standing desire to release a debut album of original music came to fruition with Here I Come recorded at Wire Studios in Austin, Texas and produced by Anson Funderburgh.

Jose recently relocated back to Florida and released Here I Come officially on May 29. The first week after release has seen his debut disc catapult to the top spots on major U.S. and Florida Blues music charts and recently also in the U.K.  The viral pandemic postponed a third European and Canadian tour booked for the summer. Jose is rescheduling the tour to promote the new album. As the title song says, get ready because “Here I Come!”


International Blues Challenge

BS:          Wowza! What a difference a year makes. Fresh off your second European tour in 2019, you moved to Washington, D.C., formed your own band and the D.C. Blues Society sponsored you in the 2020 International Blues Challenge. There in Memphis, you competed against 230 bands from all over the world and received second place. How did this validate your sacrifices to pursue your dream as a blues musician?

JR: Going to Memphis and competing against 230 of the best blues bands in the world really validates a long time of hard work and sacrifice. I had no expectations about the competition but once we got there and we figured out how rough the competition was, we just did our best and hoped for the best as well. It comes to show that the band had been working hard for quite some time.

Also, it really shows that it was a great band mixed with seasoned musicians and great people. We worked on my songs. We came to the competition with original music, my compositions, and that helped a lot.  Things started to look up right after the competition and even though the pandemic has affected tours a lot the competition has given me a status it might have taken years for me to accomplish. Taking second place in this competition really helped to elevate my profile in the blues industry.

Anson Funderburgh


BS:          How and where did you connect with Anson Funderburgh and make the decision for him to produce your debut album? Working with Anson, Jim Pugh (Robert Cray keyboardist) and the Texas Horns had to be an amazing experience.

JR:          I met Anson the first time about 3 or 4 years ago, when I first came to America, when I met you and everybody here in Tampa. Anson was touring through the Tampa area because he was playing the Bradenton Blues Festival and he did a show at Aces, when Aces was still up and running, and I wanted to go and see him. It was my first time seeing him live but I already knew about him. He has always been one of my favorite guitar players ever. That night I got there, and I introduced myself and he and the guys decided they wanted to call me up on the stage and do a few songs with them and that is how the friendship started.

We stayed in touch all these years and last year we decided to sit down and have a formal meeting in Memphis, Tennessee. We met there around October of last year and we decided we wanted to work together. Anson seemed interested in my original songs and he thought it was a good choice to work together. So, we made it happen.

This past December, December 2019, I was still living in D.C., so I drove down to Austin and spent 10 days in the studio working in the studio with Anson as a producer.  What an honor to have my favorite Texas guitar player producing my album and playing on a couple of tracks. It was great to have Jim Pugh with his experience with Robert Cray, and of course the Texas horns who had played with Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin at some point. It was special as well to have Nate Rowe on bass and Wes Starr on drums and to have Stuart Sullivan the sound engineer to do all the sound and the mixing. Stuart has Grammy Awards for work that he did for Jimmie Vaughan and Willie Nelson—so a Grammy Award engineer.

It was amazing to work with the crew that Anson put together for me for my original songs and it’s showing right now on charts all over the world. This album is a serious production and we are all excited and proud.

Deep Down in Florida


BS:          After a successful time living in D.C. with a great band there, why was the decision made to relocate back to Florida?

JR:          The pandemic influenced my decision to move back to Florida. My shows scheduled in D.C cancelled, and I do have some family and friends here in the Tampa Bay area. it just seemed right. I wanted to move closer to a place where I would know more people, given the actual circumstances of the pandemic. That was the main reason. I already knew a good number of musicians here and I do have a good following and fan base in Tampa Bay, so it seemed like a good decision and the right time to relocate to the Tampa Bay area.

Here I Come


BS:          The official release of your debut disc Here I Come came on May 29 and has received excellent reviews from all over Florida, U.S., and the world. All but two cuts are original compositions. You managed to really capture a soulful side of the blues which is difficult for most artists. What was the inspiration behind Here I Come?

JR:          It is just a large list of personal experiences that I have lived through since I was a kid basically. I have been writing all these songs for all this time and arranging them and rearranging them and fixing lyrics and stuff like this for all this time. It just felt like it was the right time to put them all together and have someone like Anson work on them and really shape them up and he took them to different level completely. The inspiration, it is just really the absorbing all those years of experiences and stories and it is just a very personal and intimate album.

BS:          I have always been a fan of your guitar work but because of this new material I am impressed by your talent as a songwriter. As a very accomplished bilingual speaker, I have always been curious, do you think in Spanish and then translate to English or do the lyrics just come naturally for you in English?

JR:          When I’m writing songs like blues songs I never think in Spanish because I’ve never really worked on blues in Spanish, not even in Costa Rica when I started when as a teenager I was writing songs and playing in my country. I never sing in Spanish, so it just comes to me naturally in English although English is not my first language. When I am writing a blues song, I just hear the rhymes that I hear when listening to songs by B.B. King or John Lee Hooker. My lyrics come naturally in English.

Join the Band


BS:          Due to your move back to Florida, you had to find new bandmates. Please introduce us to your new band.

JR:          The two guys on drums and keyboards—it is an interesting story because I met these two guys – they are brothers. I met them this past January at the IBC in Memphis while we were competing. They were representing the Kansas City Blues Society with their band, young guys but very soulful and experienced and we stayed in touch. We became friends while we were sharing the same quarter final venue and we started to talk.

When the pandemic hit and I started making plans to move down to Florida, they actually reached out and said “Jose, we actually have family in Florida so if you are moving to Florida we might be interested in relocating.” I said, “that’s awesome, we need a drummer and a keyboard player, and I’ve already seen you guys perform at the IBC.” Their names are Andre Reyes, Jr., and Antonio Reyes.  I am currently talking to bass players to fill that position in the band as dates are rapidly filling up. (Note: after this interview Jose hired Kansas City bass player Kenny Watson, Jr).

BS:          Talk about the blues…..just as you had booked a full summer and fall tour of Europe, Canada and the U.S. to promote your new release, the viral pandemic shut down venues and countries and resulted in cancellations and postponements. Are you currently rescheduling Europe and when can we expect touring to begin again to promote your new release?

JR:          I now have a booking agency behind me after all these years booking myself. And this came because of winning second place in the IBC. It gave me a good amount of exposure and now I am working with Road Dog Booking Agency. We are working together to try and reschedule some of those dates, if possible, for the remainder of the 2020. We are also trying to reschedule the whole tour for 2021, the American tour and the European tour. It’s gonna take patience because the clubs don’t really know what’s going on and they don’t know when they are going to be able to reopen so it’s taken quite some time for me and my booking agent to really figure it out, but we are working really hard to make it happen.


Virtual CD Release Party


BS:          You just had a virtual CD release party and performance on Can’t Stop the Blues Facebook page live. Care to give a shoutout to Karen Gottheimer and Crafton Barnes for providing a virtual “venue” for blues artists to perform and receive some compensation because of canceled concerts worldwide? It was an excellent performance by you.

JR:          It was great being a part of Can’t Stop the Blues and I would like to thank Karen, Samantha, and Crafton for having me. We have been trying to put together a date for me since the pandemic hit almost two months ago but I was in the process of moving from D.C. down to Tampa so we could not make it work. It took some time, but I think that it was worth it. I had a great time recording the show for Can’t Stop the Blues and the audience seemed to really enjoy it. It was special.


Life’s Simple Treasures


BS:          I have visited your native country many times and felt that it is truly paradise and love the Costa Rican pace of living and the philosophy of pura vida. Do you get homesick, especially now with the lockdowns in travel and current turmoil in the United States?  Are you able to put those feelings into your music? I know that you have recently written a song about the pandemic, After All This Time. Can you tell us about that?

JR:          That’s something that never goes away when your family is in our native country. It’s a feeling that you never lose, and, in some ways, I always want to be back. I always want to be in touch with my family and visit as much as possible, especially during times when a global pandemic hits and things get more sensitive. Now, with things going on with the racial situation here in the states, it makes me think a lot about back home. Because I come from a country where we do not have these kinds of issues. So, it is really complicated but I do talk to my family every day and I stay in touch with them. As soon as the pandemic is over, I plan on visiting, of course.

Yes, I recently wrote a song inspired by current events, talking about the pandemic and we have all learned in this time that we have no idea. We have been taking a lot of things for granted in our lives; seeing how the world is struggling and seeing all the suffering we are going through and just misery. I wanted to write a song that could bring some hope to blues fans all over the world.  I hope to record After All This Time and hopefully it will be on my next EP or next album.

The Future


BS:          Besides getting back out there with a new band and promoting your new release, what perhaps can we expect to see or hear in the future? Any projects in the works?

JR:          It is difficult to say because we musicians depend on clubs and club owners and buyers. So, at this point my focus is to promote the release of my new album Here I Come as much as I can, via internet, social media, and my website, As soon as clubs start reopening, I will work very hard with my booking agent so we can start rescheduling the U.S. tour, the European tour, and hopefully our first tour to Canada as well. I keep constantly writing new songs, and I am excited to be putting together my new band as well.

Fans in Florida will want to mark their calendars for a Florida CD release party On October 3rd featuring special guest Anson Funderburgh at the Palladium Theatre in Saint Petersburg. Anson will also be joining me on October 10 at the King Biscuit Blues Festival on October 10.   I will be performing at the Camping with the Blues Festival on October 17 in Brooksville, Florida,

BS:          How can fans acquire your music and connect with you on social media? Website?

JR:          My new album is on many digital platforms. But I want to direct everyone to my website because if they purchase the album straight from my website, they will be directly supporting me as an artist. If people purchase the album there, I will make sure they get an autographed copy and receive an 8-page booklet. These bonuses are not available if they buy online from another site. I also have a Facebook and Instagram page.


Welcome back Jose. You have arrived!


For more information on artists and topics mentioned within this interview please click the link

Jose Ramirez web site

Jose Ramirez Facebook

Jose Ramirez Instagram

Anson Funderburgh website

Jim Pugh

The Texas Horns

Can’t Stop the Blues Facebook

Palladium Theatre St. Petersburg FL

Camping with the Blues

King Biscuit Blues Festival




Suncoast Blues Society Event Update

Suncoast Blues Society Event Update

Suncoast Blues Society Event Update


Your Suncoast Blues Society wishes to thank everyone who is reading this right now – we genuinely appreciate you hanging in with us during these difficult times.


The Covid 19 virus continues to disrupt the festivals and concert venues we all love to attend.

Due to the current restrictions on the size of gatherings allowed we find it impossible to plan our normal annual events. Until restrictions loosen up, your society is considering hosting smaller, typically outdoor, events using our local artists in venues where we can practice proper social distancing.

SBS Logo

We hope to be planning events and having fun as soon as it is appropriate, until then please stay safe and healthy. We miss you.


The Society recognize that many of you renew your memberships at the events that have cancelled. We still need your support, so we encourage you to renew online.

New email address

Do you have any ideas for a blog post? Do you wish to contribute an interview for consideration? Your Suncoast Blues Society Content Committee has a new email address. Please send your ideas, submissions, and comments to bluesnews@suncoastblues.org


Lafayette Reid
Suncoast Blues Society