Your Suncoast Blues Society is proud to present Hector Anchondo!

Your Suncoast Blues Society is proud to present Hector Anchondo!

Your Suncoast Blues Society is proud to present Hector Anchondo!

Your Suncoast Blues Society is proud to present the 2020 International Blues Challenge Solo/Duo winner Hector Anchondo!

Hector will be performing one night only in the intimate setting at St. Petersburg’s the Hideaway Café.

This SBS sponsored event will follow CDC COVID-19 safety protocols,  therefore the Hideaway Café is limiting sales to 45 tickets and face coverings are required.

Hector has assembled a powerhouse local band. Backing Hector on drums is Hideaway Café’s favorite Sam Farmer, with Florida legend and Damon Fowler band member Chuck Riley on bass.

Show time for the Tuesday November 17th show is 7:30 PM.  Doors open at 6PM.

Tickets are $15.00 and can be purchased at the Hideaway Café website, or at the door.  Tickets will go fast, so do not delay!

You will not want to miss this unique performance at St. Petersburg’s Original Listening Room.

Latest Edition of Suncoast Blues News mailed on October 26th

Latest Edition of Suncoast Blues News mailed on October 26th

Latest Edition of Suncoast Blues News mailed on October 26th

The October 26th edition of Suncoast Blues News is on its way to your inbox.

This edition contains a review of Camping with the Blues, highlights upcoming shows at Englewoods on Dearborn, contains a special members-only offer, and focuses on upcoming events.

If you are a subscriber and do not receive your copy, please check your spam folder. With Suncoast Blues Society’s recent change of email providers some members are finding they need to add the email address to their contact.

Interested in receiving Suncoast Blues News?

It’s easy, and free! Just sign up at Suncoast Blues, scroll down past “President Message” and fill out the Subscribe to the Suncoast Blues News form.



“Rise Up”- Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters CD Review

“Rise Up”- Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters CD Review

“Rise Up”- Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters CD Review

Rise Up 
Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters 

Rise Up, the 27th album in Ronnie Earl’s career, takes the listener through a journey that while bluesy, would at times be comfortable in a jazz club. Part studio, part live performances, this 15-song recording is a must for any Ronnie Earl fan.

Expertly mixed and featuring The Broadcasters along with Ronnie’s signature Stratocaster tone, Rise Up enjoyably begins with a melodic acoustic adaptation of I Shall not be Moved.  A version which left me with a good feeling from what I just heard and anticipating good things to come.

Featured prominently on this recording are the vocals of Diane Blue. On the second track, Higher Love, Ronnie, and keyboardist Dave Limina set up a nice introduction for Diane’s vocals within this Ronnie Earl written song.

Rise Up contains a few tribute songs; some that pay respect to social consciousness, and many others honor fellow musicians. Diane Blue highlights a live version of Fenton Robinson’s You Don’t Know What Love Is. The longest song on the recording is a Ronnie Earl original titled Blues for Lucky Peterson. This instrumental is Ronnie through and through.

Perhaps the most compelling tribute is a version of Magic Sam’s All Your Love. Again, Diane Blue’s vocals shine. Magic Sam licks never sounded so good as coming out of Ronnie’s Stratocaster. Dave Limina mixes in a nice keyboard between Ronnie solos.

The gospel inspired version of Bob Dylan’s Lord Protect My Child is another opportunity for Diane to showcase her talentsRonnie’s playing is superb on his original entitled Talking to Mr. Bromberg – a song that is unmistakably Ronnie from start-to-finish.

Mess Around is an up-tempo instrumental that features Dave Limina and bassist Paul KochanskiThe Broadcaster’s swing it on a live jazzy version of Jimmy Smith’s instrumental Blues for J.  The recording wraps up featuring Ronnie on an original co-written with Pete Ward called Navajo Blues

When speaking about Ronnie, B.B. King said it best:

“…he is one of the most serious blues guitarists you can find today. He makes me proud!” 

Rise Up is yet another class recording from one of the classiest and nicest performers in the business.  Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters fans will not be surprised by the quality of the recording.  For future Ronnie Earl fans, this would be an excellent way to begin your journey into magic sounds crafted from Ronnie’s creativity and smooth guitar playing.  B.B. would be applauding this effort.

Ronnie Earl Website
Higher Love – Live at Daryl’s House
Ronnie Earl Albums
Blues Therapy

A note about Blues TherapyThis book, written by Anita Schlank, Ph. D., and blues fan, contains a series of interviews with blues artists. The goal of the book is to show how blues music helps to heal, including some artist who suffer from mental health issues and addictions. Within, Ronnie Earl is quite open about his past struggles. The book is fine reading and provides insights into the personal life of many we as blues fans revere for their musical talents. Proceeds from the book benefit the HART Fund.

For more information on the Handy Artist Relief Trust please visit HART Fund





Jose Ramirez’s CD release party at the Palladium Saturday night was a great success for everyone involved.  Jose and his special guests, Anson Funderburgh, and Shelly Bonet, performed flawlessly.

The Palladium and Paul Wilborn proved to be an extremely gracious host under difficult times.  We just knew our blues fans would follow the CDC guidelines and they did so with no complaints. Everyone attending was thrilled!

Your Suncoast Blues Society Board was there to help Jose with his CD sales and to provide an opportunity for our members to renew their membership in person.

Jose gave the Suncoast Blues Society one of the most favorable shout-outs from the stage that we have ever received from a performing artist and as a result we gained some new members into the SBS family!  Everyone attending was thrilled to be out of the house and finally hearing live music in a safe setting.

Jose and Anson signed the guitar that SBS will be raffling off later in the year – stay tuned for more info on this.

Welcome Blues Fans to Fall 2020 – Nothing like it before!!

Welcome Blues Fans to Fall 2020 – Nothing like it before!!

Welcome Blues Fans to Fall 2020 – Nothing like it before!!

Welcome Blues Fans to Fall 2020 – Nothing like it before!!

We want to start by expressing how pleased we are to have Jose Ramirez back in our community. We predict great success for Jose in the future.  We know that our eager blues fans will welcome Jose and his great band into our blues family.  We’re happy you are back.

We are trying to get back into the swing of things.  “Camping with The Blues” returns for their 7th annual show October 16th – 18th 2020. Sertoma Youth Ranch in Brooksville hosts the weekend-long event.  Fans will follow CDC Guidelines, and your Suncoast Blues Society will be present.  We plan to limit our booth access to about 2 hours a day.  It will be great to see all of you!  The lineup looks great, maybe some cool nights for camping; can’t wait.

At the end of October   Luther “Guitar Junior” Johnson returns to the Hideaway Café in St Pete for a combination show and recording session. Here is an opportunity to hear a legendary bluesman and Muddy Waters Band guitarist still going strong at 81 years of age.  His recently released an all- acoustic CD entitled “Won’t Be Back No More”—Say it isn’t so, Luther. SBS Logo


Moving into November, International Blues Challenge Solo/Duo winner Hector Anchondo starts an extended tour through Florida. If you haven’t heard this talented young artist yet, put it on your list!  His tour starts in Sanford Florida at “The Alley” on November 4th then on to “The Blue Rooster” in Sarasota on the 13th.  Your Suncoast Blues Society is working on securing a date in early November at the Hideaway Café  for Hector to perform. We will keep you informed.

Hooray to Realize Bradenton for figuring out a new way to present The Bradenton Blues Festival.  We are all excited to see how their new venue at LECOM Park will play out.  Creativity wins again. Additional information is available on the events page of the Suncoast Blues website.

Lafayette Reid
Suncoast Blues Society 



Latest Edition of Suncoast Blues News mailed on October 26th

Missing Suncoast Blues News?

Missing Suncoast Blues News?

On August 27, 2020, your Suncoast Blues Society emailed the latest edition of Suncoast Blues News to our subscribers.

The society has changed email providers. If you have not received your copy via email, please check your spam folder. Your email provider may not be recognizing the new sending address.  You can always add the address to contact to ensure spam-free delivery.

Missing out on the latest news? – consider joining the growing list of subscribers.

It’s easy, and free! 

Visit the home page at Suncoast Blues Society,

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